Apr 2023
Apr 2023
There was a lot to unpack from the Last Week, and the last days, the last hours of Jesus’ life, where we hear Jesus last words, especially what are known as The Last Words of Jesus from the cross! To watch the video of this year’s Palm Sunday service, just click on this link....
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Mar 2023
Many times we will have heard of Jesus’ parable of the lost sheep, found in Luke 15. In that context Jesus was clearly speaking evangelistically, as the shepherd goes and finds lost sheep! However, in the context of Matt.18, although it sounds like the same parable, Jesus was actually referring to His little ones, or His sheep, and of 1 of them that may go astray, or wander from the fold! Therefore we can be sure that once we have been found the first time by Jesus, as He came to save the lost, we can be confident that we won’t get lost forever again. Sure, true believers can go......
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Mar 2023
In these verses Jesus is still referring to the little ones, which now refers to young believers, since He said ‘These little ones who believe in Me“. And if the context is still to do with interpersonal relationships, as in Church or amongst church members, then that is interesting because we would expect the temptations to sin to come from the world, and not from within the church. And yet there the warning is given, perhaps to “professing Christians” against anyone who was put a stumbling block, or cause a new believer to stumble into sin, perhaps by their......
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Mar 2023
This new chapter introduces us to a new section of Jesus’ teachings to His disciples to do with interpersonal relationship. First of all the disciples had been disputing amongst themselves as to who was the greatest (Matt.18:1). This could have meant that Peter, James, and John were thinking that because they had been on the Mount when Jesus was Transfigured before them, that they had secured the top 3 positions. Some to this day are convinced that Peter secured for himself the number one spot! But Jesus gave them an object lesson, showing them a little child......
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Mar 2023
Is this message Eddie Manly shared with us examples of how Jesus was the only one who ever perfectly obeyed God and always did the Father’s will. We are to follow Jesus’ pattern and instructions, such as He gave in “The Model Prayer” found in Matt.6:9ff. We are to believe that God is Sovereign over all things and therefore “controls” all things, yet at the same time are to pray that God’s will would be done on earth just as it is being done in heaven. If you’d like to watch the full service......
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Feb 2023
It was great to have brother Larry O’Mahoney share this message on his 84th Birthday – a message that was burning in his heart! Larry shared about some of the ways that the Lord has kept him in good health over the years, and keeps him glowing and reflecting the light of Christ! To watch the video of this morning’s service, just click on this link!...
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Feb 2023
That title is ‘like a joke’! You see, when Jesus and His disciples descended from the mountain on which Jesus gave Peter, James, and John a glimpse of His glory (Matt.17:1-4), they were met with a multitude and from that multitude there was a man who had a son who was terribly inflicted with epilepsy and had a demon. The two may be rolled up into one or seen as two things that needed to be addressed – his being set free from the demon and being cured or healed of epilepsy.......
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Feb 2023
We left Peter, James, and John up the mountain with Jesus, last week, as He was transformed before them. They would have liked to “camp out” there with Jesus, along also with Moses and Elijah. Today we read on and see how while Peter was still speaking about “three tabernacles” a cloud came and enveloped or overshadowed them, a cloud not unlike the one experienced by Moses in the Old Testament. Out of this cloud came the voice of God. The words spoken were almost word for word what God had spoken at Jesus’......
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Feb 2023
As we saw in Matt.16: 27-28, Jesus said that there were some standing there who would not taste death until they saw the Lord Coming in His Glory. We looked at some possible interpretations of those verses. The common opinion is that what took place in Matthew 17:1-4 was the fulfilment of that for 3 of Jesus’ disciples: Peter, James, and John. They saw Jesus in all His glory for a brief moment on the mountain top, and then what appears to have been a vision of Moses and Elijah appeared to them. In this moment Jesus was transfigured or transformed before their......
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