
Jul 2023

In this Psalm it is clear that David had had “one foot in the grave”, and yet when he cried out to the LORD for mercy, the LORD healed him and raised him up from his deathbed. We have much to thank the LORD for, whether that be healing or salvation, and we have every reason to be glad. God has turned our mourning into dancing, and our sorrows into joy! To watch the full video of today’s church service, just click on this link!...

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Jul 2023

It is not immediately apparent what this Psalm of David’s is about. Commentaries on it say that David was aware of the beliefs of the other nations around Israel which believed in a different version of Creation and of The Flood than that found in Genesis. For this reason David refers to the ‘heavenly beings‘ or ‘mighty ones‘, which could refer to the angels as the sons of God (Bene Elim), or supposed beings who fought the battle between good and evil, the struggle over chaos: stories that sound a bit like that......

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Jul 2023

In this Psalm, David is able to offer praise to the LORD for answering his prayers, apparently before the answer actually showed up. It has been said that the occasion for this Psalm could have been at a time when David was on a deathbed, not sure if he would live or die. Therefore David made the argument that he should not be treated like the rest, such as the wicked, since he has placed his trust in the LORD. As usual, many people relate to David as he goes through things......

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Jul 2023

Here, as usual, David expresses his trust in the LORD, even whilst he is either being attacked or surrounded by his enemies. William Macdonald in ‘The Believer’s Bible Commentary’ saw quite a lot of parallels between David in this Psalm, and the events of Jesus’ arrest and trial. So much as so as you’d think that the whole Psalm was about Jesus. Well, we can see some similarities alright, but there are also many things that each of us could easily identify with too! This message was shared on the 9th July.......

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Jul 2023

How confident was David to invite Divine scrutiny of his life? This wasn’t David trying to be self-righteous, but rather because he had enemies who seem to have accused him wrongly, David asks the LORD to vindicate him. Of course our confidence is never to be in our own righteousness, but in Christ’s. Perhaps that’s why David asks the LORD to REDEEM him and show him MERCY. These are the very things that God has done for us in Christ. He has REDEEMED us with His own blood, and rather than God......

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Jun 2023

Here’s a cry of faith that many can identify with! As usual David speaks about his enemies and struggles and distresses he is going through, and yet at the same time he is reminded of the GOODNESS and TENDER MERCIES and KINDNESS of the LORD and how though God can remember ALL HIS GOODNESS in the past, David asks the LORD NOT to REMEMBER his SINS, TRANSGRESSIONS, and INIQUITIES! Sometimes it is our enemy who causes the problem, but sometimes its ourselves and sin in our lives. Thank God that He PARDONS......

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Jun 2023

We aren’t told exactly the occasion for David writing this Psalm, but it may have been the time when David brought the Ark of The Covenant to the Temple in Jerusalem. It seems to start with the acknowledging of The LORD as Creator, and then moving into a realization of the Holiness of God, and finally to the LORD being Saviour and LORD! To view today’s video on Youtube, just click on this link!...

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Jun 2023

Sorry about the sound quality during the worship time. It came out so bad we had to delete it from this video. But Stefan did a wonderful job leading in worship. Hopefully the sound quality isn’t too bad for the remainder of the service. But of course that makes no difference to the audio on these Podcasts as long as you get the gist of what’s was said. But if you want to watch the video, just click on this link!...

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Jun 2023

This Psalm was written almost 1000 years before the crucifixion of Christ, and although we can see how it perfectly describes the events of the crucifixion , is not said to be a prophesy. First we should think about the kinds of things that David was going through, and then we can identify with him. But this psalm is undoubtedly fulfilled in a greater sense by Christ. Some have gone as far as to suggest that Jesus even quoted this whole Psalm whilst on the cross. That’s a bit of a stretch,......

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May 2023

Having just read of the rich young ruler in the previous section, we then must see this last section of Matt.19 as a continuation. A lot of people are used to taking verses out of context. One very popular one is “All things are possible with God“. But let us consider the context here. It was Jesus referring to the hardship or difficulty of a rich person entering the kingdom of God! And in reality it is not only hard for the rich, it is impossible for anyone, rich or poor to “be saved without the power of God doing a work in their life. Rich people tend......

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