
May 2023

One of the titles that should have been given to Jesus was “Astonishing“, since that was a common reaction to seeing or experiencing His miracles. In today’s message, Larry continued to speak more about this Astonishing Christ and the things He has done in people’s lives! To watch the video of today’s church service, click on this link!...

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May 2023

Earlier in this chapter Jesus spoke about The Kingdom of God, and how it must be received like a little child receives something. However, in this section we read of a rich young ruler (as we gather the information from the synoptic gospels), who appeared eager to have this gift of eternal life. But what he says reveals that he thinks that somehow he can earn or inherit eternal life by maybe doing  some good deed. Jesus had to correct the young man’s understanding of what “Good” was, and show him that he couldn’t keep the law, and therefore could never merit eternal......

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May 2023

Don’t be fooled into thinking that the Pharisees that mingled in with the crowds in Judea were actually interested in asking Jesus about some theological questions that they had about marriage, divorce, and remarriage. This was a red herring, designed to trap Jesus in His words. But Jesus did take the opportunity to address these issues, pointing out that God’s Original plan for marriage, as found in Gen.2:24, was that the man and his wife be joined together in an unbreakable union, but that because of the hardness of men’s hearts God made the concession of allowing......

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Apr 2023

Lets not forget the overall context of Matthew 18 on Interpersonal Relationships within the Church, and how in light of the last teaching on the subject of offence and a sinning brother, Peter opens up this section with the question on “How many times would I have to forgive an offending or sinning brother?” (Matt.18:21). Jesus used this opportunity to talk about the great forgiveness that a certain servant had received from his master, and how that it would have been expected that he would learn from that the power of forgiveness, and yet he did......

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Apr 2023

Oh if only believers read these words of Jesus in their context of Interpersonal Relationships within the Church. But sadly, as soon as someone in the church offends or sins against or even is at fault against another brother or sister, rarely do they follow Jesus explicit instructions in these verses (vv.15-17), but rather go either to step 2 or 3, sharing their   with others and refusing to do what Jesus said to do. In fact they make themselves guilty by their refusal to adhere to these instructions. There are other statements made in vv.16-20 that so often have been ripped out of their context, whereas......

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Apr 2023

There was a lot to unpack from the Last Week, and the last days, the last hours of Jesus’ life, where we hear Jesus last words, especially what are known as The Last Words of Jesus from the cross! To watch the video of this year’s Palm Sunday service, just click on this link....

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Mar 2023

Many times we will have heard of Jesus’ parable of the lost sheep, found in Luke 15. In that context Jesus was clearly speaking evangelistically, as the shepherd goes and finds lost sheep! However, in the context of Matt.18, although it sounds like the same parable, Jesus was actually referring to His little ones, or His sheep, and of 1 of them that may go astray, or wander from the fold! Therefore we can be sure that once we have been found the first time by Jesus, as He came to save the lost, we can be confident that we won’t get lost forever again. Sure, true believers can go......

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Mar 2023

In these verses Jesus is still referring to the little ones, which now refers to young believers, since He said ‘These little ones who believe in Me“. And if the context is still to do with interpersonal relationships, as in Church or amongst church members, then that is interesting because we would expect the temptations to sin to come from the world, and not from within the church. And yet there the warning is given, perhaps to “professing Christians” against anyone who was put a stumbling block, or cause a new believer to stumble into sin, perhaps by their......

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