The Order of Salvation Pt.3 – Regeneration (Being Born Again)!

This is a RE-RELEASE of an old series from back in 2019. This was our first time really hitting the ball out of the park on what it really means to be Regenerated! We prefer this term because so many Christians mix up the meaning of their words. They would speak of “Being Saved“, as if it is exactly the same as saying that they got “Born Again“, and then they will also refer to the same experience as when they were “Adopted” as a child of God. But the words and the terms have different meanings. We don’t want to separate them, but we do need to distinguish between the meaning of each word. Therefore from a Biblical and Reformed viewpoint we see that once God has Called those whom He has Predestined, then He Regenerates them – this is also known as Being Born Again.
Once a person has been Made Alive through Regeneration (Being Born Again), then at that moment God gives that person Faith and enables them to Repent, (which is what Conversion is), which means that they are then Justified (or declared to be righteous in God’s sight).


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