The Model Prayer (AKA “The Lord’s Prayer”) – Part 4.

Today we covered line 4 of The Model Prayer wherein we ask for forgiveness from God our Father, but also are expected to forgive those who have sinned against us.

But can we be sure that we are being genuine in our repentance if in fact the heart of man is so evil and deceitful (See Jer.17:9-10)? David knew this and even prayed that the LORD would create within him a clean heart (See Ps.51). And did you know that even after we have been Born Again, sin still keeps popping up. Let us not think that Christians do not sin (See 1 Jn.1:8), and that as Jesus taught, “From the heart proceed…” all these evil things…and its not just the unregenerate.

We have been forgiven much, but also need to learn to forgive those who have sinned against us, such as Jesus taught in Matt. 18:21-35.


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