Resurrection Sunday 2023

There was a lot that took place in our service this morning as we would saying goodbye one of our Ukrainian families, who are moving to USA. They ministered in song and testimony.

This was followed by a shortened message by Michael.

Texts used were Lk.23:46, 34; Ps.23:4. References were made to Lk.16:27-31.

Jesus had predicted not only His suffering and death, but also His definite resurrection on the third day (See Matt.16:21; 17:22-23; 20:17-19), so it would be no surprise that Peter would preach about Jesus death and how it was actually impossible for the grave to hold on to Jesus (See Acts 2:22-33).

The witnesses to Christ’s resurrection are found in all four Gospels and the Book of Acts (Luke wrote the Gospel of Luke and Acts):

Matt.28:1-10; Mk.16:1-8; Lk.24:1-49; John 20:1-29 (cf. Acts 1:1-3).

We looked especially at Lk.24 and the account of the two on The Road to Emmaus, and Jesus appearing to His disciples. This dovetails nicely with John 20 where Jesus met with some of His disciples, and later with the disciples including Thomas (See John 20:24-29).

And lastly, in 1 Cor.15 Paul clarified what the Gospel is (vv.1-8), the facts of the resurrection (vv.12-19), and the promise of resurrection and glorification of all those who place their trust in Jesus (vv.50ff).

To watch the video of this Resurrection Sunday service, just click on this link!


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