Matthew 7 Pt. 2 – The Way, Fruit, Knowing Me Knowing You, and Foundations!

From this section of Matt.7:13-29 we notice Jesus speaking more challenging to whoever may be listening, speaking to them of two waysThere is one way that leads to destruction, and the other way, the more difficult way, is the narrow way that leads to life (vv.13-14). See also Jer.21:8 and Prov.16:25.

Then Jesus warned about false prophets (vv.15-20), and could it be that these would be people who would act like sheep but who were actually wolves in sheep’s clothing, who would lead people down the wrong way, the path that leads to destruction? They may have “fruit” to show for themselves, but the question is, what kind of fruit do they produce? Do they produce true or false converts, as they promise them “their best life now”, in order to fill the pews of their churches (See also Paul’s warning in Acts 20:28-30).

On the final day, the day of judgement, it will be Jesus who will say to many, “I NEVER knew you, depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!”

These false teachers have played a part in people’s lives, building on foundations of sand rather than on the solid rock foundation of the teachings of the apostles and prophets (See Eph.2:20).

Ultimately Jesus is our judge, and what we did with His words, that will determine whether we hear the words, “Well done Good and Faithful servant”, or “Depart from Me, I NEVER knew you!”

To watch our full service from Sunday 23rd January 2022, and this sermon, just click here!


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