Matthew 4 Pt. 1 – Facing Temptations, Tests, and Trials!

Straight away after Jesus was baptised, and the Spirit descended upon Him, and God (the Father) spoke to Him confirming Him as His Beloved Son, the same Holy Spirit “drove” (See Mark 1:12) Jesus into the wilderness to “test” Him. So that experience that Jesus had, concerning His Sonship, had to be tested and proved, and the means that God used was the devil.

Jesus overcame and passed all His tests with flying colours, and would be ready to go and carry on a different style and type of ministry. We must remember that the primary weapon that Jesus used against the devil was ‘The Written Word of God’ (See Matt.4:4, 7, 10).

Likewise we also need to know that Word so that when we are faced with various temptations, tests, and trials (See James 1:2-3), we can overcome! If you would like to watch this sermon on Youtube, just click on this link!


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