Matthew 21 Pt.6 – The Vineyard, The Son and The Rock!
It is clear from this parable that Jesus was speaking to the Jewish Religious leaders and they are caught in a conflict.
In this parable Jesus spoke of the rejection of The Son, and how he would be shamefully treated. In this case The ‘beloved son‘ was cast out of the vineyard and killed. Then Jesus quoted to them a similar metaphor of rejection, where it is The Stone which the builder rejected that ends up being the Chief Cornerstone for a new building project. That Stone was Christ our Living Rock, and people are either going to stumble over this rock, or they are going to be part of His building project, becoming Living Stones themselves (See Acts 4:11; 1 Pet.2:4-10).
Probably the most controversial aspect of Matt.21:33-46 is that of the Kingdom or Vineyard being taken from Israel and given to some other group or nation. Well, actually, upon hearing that, the religious leaders said, “Certainly Not!” (Lk.20:16). That new people, or the new Vinedressers, that it would be given to would be a Holy Nation, God’s own Special People, which was made up from people from every tribe and nation, both Jews and Gentiles, who had been Born Again, and who themselves had become Living Stones!
To watch the video from today’s church service, just click on this link!
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