Matthew 17 Pt.2 – Camp Meeting Glory and End-Time Events!

We left Peter, James, and John up the mountain with Jesus, last week,  as He was transformed before them. They would have liked to “camp out” there with Jesus, along also with Moses and Elijah.

Today we read on and see how while Peter was still speaking about “three tabernacles” a cloud came and enveloped or overshadowed them, a cloud not unlike the one experienced by Moses in the Old Testament. Out of this cloud came the voice of God. The words spoken were almost word for word what God had spoken at Jesus’ water baptism (See Matt.3:16-17), but with one additional statement, “Listen to Him“, which are likely a reference back to Deut.18:15ff that speak of The Prophet that was to come (See John 1:19-27).

So we conclude this episode by showing that not only had these three disciples had a glimpse of Jesus in all His glory (See Matt.16:27-28), and “a vision” of Moses and Elijah, and the Glory Cloud out of which they heard the audible voice of God, but even as they were coming down the mountain, they had their eschatology challenged. Its always a good thing to have our theology questioned so as we can correct things that we thought we were right about. There are no contradictions in the Bible, and any contradictions are with us. Jesus set His disciples straight on matters concerning the End Times or at least some of their eschatology!

To watch the video of today’s church service, and sorry in advance for the sound quality-  click on this link! 


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