Job 9 – How Can A Man Be Righteous Before God?
I believe that the key verse of this chapter, v.2 is where Job asks, “But how can a man be righteous before God?” And the fact that there are so many references using judicial language, tell us that the theme of this chapter is ‘How a man can be made righteous before God’. Job longed for a mediator, but knew of none, who could take hold of God and take hold of Man (in this case, Job), and bring them both to court. However, in the New Testament we are told, ‘For there is ONE GOD and ONE MEDIATOR between God and Men, The Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time (1 Tim.2:5).
Each of us needs to come to the place where we get a glimpse of God’s Greatness and our smallness, of God’s Holiness and our sinfulness. We could never prove ourselves blameless or innocent in God’s sight, and no amount of washing with soap and water could ever make us clean before God (See Isa.64:6), and yet because of Christ, believers are washed in His blood and clothed with His Righteousness. That is why there is therefore NOW NO CONDEMNATION for those who are in Christ Jesus (See Rom.8:1, 33).
We can only receive Justification by Faith Alone, by A Special Kind of Faith that God Alone can give us, which is His Gift to us (See Eph.2:8). God drops that GIFT of FAITH into our hearts the moment that we are Regenerated/Born Again, enabling us to believe God and therefore be Righteous before God, just like Job was saying, in Job 9:2.
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