Job 42 – The Grand Finale – Repentance And Restoration!

We started this series in Job on the 31st May 2020, and have finished it on the last Sunday of April, 2021. So that’s under a year, and we should include the fact that there were other speakers who preached from time to time. However, many Bible Commentators believe that Job’s experience from start to finish may have taken less than a year. It’s just good that we all don’t have to go through the same kind of suffering that Job had. Does God heal Job in the end? That isn’t specifically stated. But we do know that he lived for a further 120 years and enjoyed life to the full. So one could presume that Job must have recovered. He was fully restored in all the other areas of his life.

If you’d like to watch the video of this sermon, you can do so by clicking on this link!


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