God’s Sovereignty In 2023

You can wish and hope for all the best in the year ahead, but only God knows the future and determines the future, which will be according to His will. We are told that we should ask or determine what the will of the Lord is before making our plans (See James 4:13-17). Of course the world hates the idea that there is A Sovereign God who appears  to rule over their lives, and they would like to be free from God’s control (See Ps.2). Believers believe that ultimately nothing happens except that which is in accordance with God’s will. Not only that but even the smallest details of this universe including the dying of a sparrow, or a hair falling from our heads, does not happen simply by chance, but is permitted by God or ordered by God. Even the outcome of lots or dice, according to Pr.16:33 is from the Lord. Now, even many Christians struggle with that. They’ll be crying out, “But what about Free Will?” And by the way, if you are a Christian, and you do believe “that there is not single maverick molecule in the universe that is outside of God’s control”, to quote R.C. Sproul, then how can you believe that something as important as Salvation is left to “chance“?

So as believers we are to determine or find out what the will of the LORD is (See Matt.6:10; James 4:13-17), and trust that the Lord is guiding your steps and bringing you into His plans and purposes (See Rom.8:28).

To watch the full (er) video of this day’s church service, click on this link!


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