Ephesians 4 Part 5 – There’s a Big Change In Me!

In this week’s episode we look at some practical areas that need to change in the new life of a believer. It may come as a bit of a surprise that Paul had to write to Christians to tell them that they need to stop lying, stealing, or continue to have angry outbursts of wrath (which is usually just bad temper), and not to slander (speak evil of) one another. Such things grieve the Holy Spirit of God. Therefore because we have been forgiven, we ought to forgive one another, just as Jesus taught in Matt.6:12, 14-16, and particularly in Matt.18:21-35. Paul says, ‘And be kind to one another, tender-hearted; forgiving one another, EVEN AS God in Christ forgave you‘ (Eph.4:32).


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