Ephesians 4 Part 4 – A New Man, A New Way, and a New Creation!

What was our spiritual and mental state before we were regenerated by the Holy Spirit? Paul paints a dismal picture of ‘the rest of the Gentiles’ in Eph.4:17-19, which corresponds with his more lengthy discussion of the state of the whole world, as recorded in Romans 1-3 (See especially Rom.1:18-31). So it is a wonder that anyone at all has been saved out of that mess! Of course, if it was left to each one of us to find our way to Christ and be saved, none of us would have made it! But God broke into our darkness, just like He did in Gen.1:1-3, and Isa.9:2, and spoke into our hearts (2 Cor.4:5-6). Thank’s be to God for the Reformers’ Slogan: “Post Tenebras Lux“, which means “After Darkness Light“!
Now that we have “Seen The Light”, we can’t continue to live and walk the way that we used to. We are a ‘New Man’ with ‘New Ways’, and a ‘New Creation’ (Eph.4:20-24 cf. 2 Cor.5:17; Eph.2:10; Col.3:10).


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