All Things Working Together For God’s Purposes!

Whatever circumstances that we face in life as a Christian, we can be confident because “we know” that all things work together for good to those who love Godto those who are the called according to His purpose (See Rom.8:28).

Today we briefly considered the life of Joseph and how although his own brothers plotted evil against him, God was at the same time meaning or planning it for good (See Gen.50:20).

Later we saw that the events that unfolded in the Life and Death and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ were what He had foretold, and were also fulfilling ‘the determined purpose and foreknowledge of God‘ (See Acts 2:22-24), which was ‘what God’s hand and purpose determined before to be done‘ (See Acts 4:23-31).

This was no accident. Joseph’s life was no accident. You’re life as a believer is no accident. God is Sovereignly in control of every circumstance. As the great theologian R.C. Sproul would often say, “There is not a single maverick molecule in the universe that outside of God’s Sovereign control!”

Therefore we can have confidence in prayer and be believing that God is working all things out in order to fulfil His purpose. We need to fit into God’s purpose in order to find our purpose.

To watch this sermon in its video format, click on this link to Youtube!


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