Matthew 22 Pt.1 – The Parable Of The Wedding Feast!
Many people are able to quote the verse: “Many are called, but few are chosen”, but they may not know where to find it in the Bible. And many of those same people like to...
Down From His Glory!
He left the splendour of heaven, knowing His destiny! For the full version of today’s Christmas Eve Service, 2023, click on this link!
Matthew 21 Pt.6 – The Vineyard, The Son and The Rock!
It is clear from this parable that Jesus was speaking to the Jewish Religious leaders and they are caught in a conflict. In this parable Jesus spoke of the rejection of The Son, and how he would...
Matthew 21 Pt.5 – Jesus’ Authority Challenged!
As Jesus was teaching or preaching the Gospel in The Temple (See Matt.21:23; Mk.12:27; Lk.20:1), he was interrupted or confronted by “the religious police”, who questioned Jesus on what gave Him the right to do...
Matthew 21 Pt.4 – The Fig Tree and Jesus’ Authority!
Today we actually had Larry who brought us a message from Isaiah 35, and this was followed by the teaching from Matthew 21 18-22 on Jesus’ Cursing of The Fig Tree, and what that would...
Matthew 21 Pt.3 – The Cleansing of The Temple!
Once again we looked at the significance and the timing of Jesus’ Cleansing of The Temple in Jerusalem. To watch the video from today, just click on this link!
Matthew 21 Pt.2 – Jesus and Jerusalem!
As we have been working our way through Matthew’s Gospel, we came to the moment of Jesus’ Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem. But Matthew has not given us all the details. Neither have any of the...
Matt. 21 Pt.1 Jesus Triumphant Entry!
Here are some sermon notes that might help any who want to study this further! As we saw in the previous chapter, Jericho was the last leg of Jesus’ journey towards Jerusalem. However, more or...
Matthew 20 Pt.4 – One, Two, or More, Blind Men?
Matthew’s Gospel gives the account of two blind men receiving their sight, in, or around, Jericho. Mark tells us of one blind man, and names him Bartimaeus. And Luke likewise speaks of one blind man....
Matthew 20 Pt.3 – Greatness is Serving and Giving!
Jesus had just spoken in advance (“Predicted”) the betrayal, suffering, mocking, and scourging, and death by crucifixion, that He would shortly have to experience, followed by His resurrection. And straight after that, in interesting timing,...