Sermons by Eddie Manley


The Woman At The Well!

Speaker: | August 06, 2023

This was quite a “deep subject” delivered to us by Elder/Pastor Eddie Manly, based on John 4 and the account of the woman of Samaria. To watch the video, which includes colour maps, just click...


Psalm 23 – The Good Shepherd!

Speaker: | April 30, 2023

From David’s experiences looking after sheep, he wrote the 23rd Psalm. The idea of The Good Shepherd is also found in John 10, where Jesus described Himself as The Good Shepherd. To watch the video of Today’s service, click...

What Is God's Will For Our Lives?

What Is God’s Will For Our Lives?

Speaker: | March 05, 2023

Is this message Eddie Manly shared with us examples of how Jesus was the only one who ever perfectly obeyed God and always did the Father’s will. We are to follow Jesus’ pattern and instructions,...