Matthew 24 Pt.1 – Jesus Predicts The Destruction Of The Temple!
Did Jesus predict the events that took place in AD70? He told His disciples that the Temple would be destroyed. But after mentioning this, Jesus’ disciples asked Him at least two questions. When will these things...
God’s Covenant Covering!
Eddie Manley on Christ the husband of the church, as an example of how husbands are to love their wives. To view the video from this service, just click on this link!
The True Jesus!
Brother Victor Ogiem Udia shared about finding out who the Real Jesus Is! To watch the full video, just click here!
Matthew 23 Pt.4 – Jerusalem, Jerusalem!
As we bring Matthew 23 to a close, we must remember that there were no chapter divisions in the Bible originally. So naturally, Matthew 23 runs right on into Matthew 24. The thing is that...
Matthew 23 Pt.3 – The Seventh Woe!
In the previous verses, covered in Matt.23 Part 2, Jesus issues 6 Woes against the scribes and Pharisees of His day. But the 7th Woe seems to speak of completion, and it is as if...
The Order of Salvation Pt.2 – The Calling of God!
The second in a ten part series on the Order of Salvation, or The Process of Salvation. This process or order may be rearranged, but generally it is believed to begin with : 1) Predestination...
The Order Of Salvation-Pt.1 – Predestination and Election!
It seems it would be a good idea to RE RELEASE this series on The Order of Salvation
Resurrection Sunday 2024
This year Pastor Eddie shared the message of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, by showing the connection with The Feasts of Israel which foreshadowed Christ’s Death, and how Jesus fulfilled them! To watch...
Palm Sunday 2024
A clear and accurate description of what happened on Palm Sunday as shared by John Moriarty. To watch today’s video, just click here!
Matthew 23 Pt.2 – A Woeful Message!
How many” Woes” did Jesus speak concerning the Scribes and Pharisees? To watch the full video from today, just click on this link.