Psalm 23 – The Good Shepherd!
From David’s experiences looking after sheep, he wrote the 23rd Psalm. The idea of The Good Shepherd is also found in John 10, where Jesus described Himself as The Good Shepherd. To watch the video of Today’s service, click...
Matthew 18 Pt.5 – The Unforgiving Servant!
Lets not forget the overall context of Matthew 18 on Interpersonal Relationships within the Church, and how in light of the last teaching on the subject of offence and a sinning brother, Peter opens up this section...
Matthew 18 Pt.4 – Dealing With Offences!
Oh if only believers read these words of Jesus in their context of Interpersonal Relationships within the Church. But sadly, as soon as someone in the church offends or sins against or even is at fault against another brother or sister, rarely do they...
Resurrection Sunday 2023
There was a lot that took place in our service this morning as we would saying goodbye one of our Ukrainian families, who are moving to USA. They ministered in song and testimony. This was...
Palm Sunday 2023
There was a lot to unpack from the Last Week, and the last days, the last hours of Jesus’ life, where we hear Jesus last words, especially what are known as The Last Words of Jesus from the cross! To...
Matthew 18 Pt.3 – Jesus Saves The Lost And Straying!
Many times we will have heard of Jesus’ parable of the lost sheep, found in Luke 15. In that context Jesus was clearly speaking evangelistically, as the shepherd goes and finds lost sheep! However, in the context...
Matthew 18 Pt. 2 – Beware Of Causing Others To Stumble!
In these verses Jesus is still referring to the little ones, which now refers to young believers, since He said ‘These little ones who believe in Me“. And if the context is still to do with interpersonal...
Matthew 18 Pt.1 – The Way To Greatness!
This new chapter introduces us to a new section of Jesus’ teachings to His disciples to do with interpersonal relationship. First of all the disciples had been disputing amongst themselves as to who was the greatest...

What Is God’s Will For Our Lives?
Is this message Eddie Manly shared with us examples of how Jesus was the only one who ever perfectly obeyed God and always did the Father’s will. We are to follow Jesus’ pattern and instructions,...
The Astonishing Christ!
It was great to have brother Larry O’Mahoney share this message on his 84th Birthday – a message that was burning in his heart! Larry shared about some of the ways that the Lord has kept...