Putting Off the OLD man and Putting On the New!
A great service today with a number of people taking part in one way or another, and Ninfa sharing from Colossians 3 about the practicalities of Putting Off The OLD Man and Putting On the...
Matthew 26 Pt.4 – Prepared In Advance!
It might seem like a straightforward enough text, in which Jesus simply made arrangements for a last supper, in which He and they could share one more Passover Meal together, but in fact there are...
“For Thou Are With Me!” by Larry O’Mahoney
A testimony to the faithfulness of God through life’s ups and downs, based on texts such as Psalm 23 and others. To watch the full video from today’s service, just click on this link!
Out With The Old And In With The New!
On the 29th Dec, 2024, as we start to prepare to see the Old Year Out, and the New Year In, how about instead of turning over a New Leaf, turning your life over to...
A Return to Bethlehem!
Thanks to a whole host of characters, we had a great Christmas message, focusing on Bethlehem, with origins in the book Ruth. To watch the full Christmas service, just click on this link!
A Higher Perspective!
Starting the race (Hebrews 12) and reaching the Kingdom – that’s the goal! To watch the video from this morning, just click on this link
Matthew 26 Pt.3 – A Traitor In The Midst!
Whilst Mary of Bethany was pouring out her love for Jesus, someone else in that same room saw it as a waste. He saw that as “money down the drain”, that would have been put...
Matthew 26 Pt.2 – Anointed For Burial!
At the home of Simon the leper of Bethany, a meal was prepared for a large group, who included Mary and Martha and Lazarus, and Jesus and His 12 disciples. During the dinner, whilst Jesus...
Aspects of The Body of Christ!
When people generally think of “church”, the first thing that comes to mind is a building made of bricks and built by the hand of craftsmen. But not so the church that Jesus said He...
Matthew 26 Pt.1 – The Planning and The Plotting of Jesus’ Death!
After His Olivet Discourse (Matt.24-25), Jesus predicted His coming death, for the fourth time, but this indicating more specifically, when it was going to take place. But in reality, these things had been PLANNED IN...