Matt. 21 Pt.1 Jesus Triumphant Entry!
Here are some sermon notes that might help any who want to study this further! As we saw in the previous chapter, Jericho was the last leg of Jesus’ journey towards Jerusalem. However, more or...
Matthew 20 Pt.4 – One, Two, or More, Blind Men?
Matthew’s Gospel gives the account of two blind men receiving their sight, in, or around, Jericho. Mark tells us of one blind man, and names him Bartimaeus. And Luke likewise speaks of one blind man....
Matthew 20 Pt.3 – Greatness is Serving and Giving!
Jesus had just spoken in advance (“Predicted”) the betrayal, suffering, mocking, and scourging, and death by crucifixion, that He would shortly have to experience, followed by His resurrection. And straight after that, in interesting timing,...
Matthew 20 Pt.2 – Jesus’ 3rd “Prediction” of His Death and Resurrection!
There are 3 occasions where Jesus told His disciples about the events that would soon unfold leading to His Death, Burial, and Resurrection. These began at Matt.16:21-23. Then again in Matt.17:22-23, And then again here...
Matthew 20 Pt.1 – Labourers in The Vineyard!
This parable sits between two identical statements of Jesus. In Matt. 19:30 Jesus had said, “But many who are the first will be last, and the last first.” Then in Matt.20:16 Jesus also said, “So...
Matthew 19 Pt.3 – All Things Are Possible With God!
Having just read of the rich young ruler in the previous section, we then must see this last section of Matt.19 as a continuation. A lot of people are used to taking verses out of context. One...
Matthew 19 Pt. 2 – The Rich Young Ruler!
Earlier in this chapter Jesus spoke about The Kingdom of God, and how it must be received like a little child receives something. However, in this section we read of a rich young ruler (as we gather the...
Matthew 19 Pt.1 – Marriage, Divorce, Celibacy, and Children!
Don’t be fooled into thinking that the Pharisees that mingled in with the crowds in Judea were actually interested in asking Jesus about some theological questions that they had about marriage, divorce, and remarriage. This...
Matthew 18 Pt.5 – The Unforgiving Servant!
Lets not forget the overall context of Matthew 18 on Interpersonal Relationships within the Church, and how in light of the last teaching on the subject of offence and a sinning brother, Peter opens up this section...
Matthew 18 Pt.4 – Dealing With Offences!
Oh if only believers read these words of Jesus in their context of Interpersonal Relationships within the Church. But sadly, as soon as someone in the church offends or sins against or even is at fault against another brother or sister, rarely do they...