Job 21 – “But Then Why Do Good Things Happen To Bad People?”
This is the halfway point in the Book of Job and in this chapter Job responds particularly to the last message or sermon by Zophar in the previous chapter. If you recall, Zophar believed that...
Job 20 – That “Something” Missing!
We can tell from the opening verses of Job 20 that Zophar has been affected by what he heard Job say in the previous chapter (Job 19). So now we hear the second and last of...
Job 19 – My Redeemer Lives!
This was a great chapter emphasising Job’s high moments and low moments. By the end of this chapter you’ll see Job had had it all and lost it all, but he has absolute trust that...
Job 18 – A Great Sermon But Who Is The Audience?
This chapter presents us with a mini sermon given by Bildad to Job. It would have been a great sermon if only it was directed at the right audience. But unfortunately Bildad sees Job as...
Job 17 – Please Release Me Let Me Go!
Job 16 and Job 17 are both part of the same dialogue between Job and his friends, and prayer between Job and God! It would sound as if Job has come to the end of his...
Job 16 – In My Place – My Substitute!
Most believers will be aware that there are texts in the Old Testament that speak figuratively or prophetically about the coming Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ. Usually they will cite Psalm 22 or Isaiah 53 as the...
Job 15 – Eliphaz Strikes Back / Terminator 2
So far in Job we have heard from Job and his three friends at least once. That was the end of “Round 1” and then for three chapters (Job 12, 13, & 14) we heard...
Job 14 – What Is The Meaning Of Life?
This is the third chapter of Job’s response to his friends so far, in which he takes us on a roller-coaster of a ride with his times of great hopefulness and other times of despair....
Job 13 – Though God Slay Me Yet I’ll Trust Him!
This is the second chapter in Job’s response to his three friends, in which he does scold them a bit and even calls them ‘forgers of lies’ and told them, “You are all worthless physicians”...
Job 12 – The Sovereignty Of God Over All Creation!
Here in this chapter we see Job begin to answer his critics. First he points out that he is not stupid or an empty-headed dumb ass (See Job 11:12) nor inferior to any of his “wise”...