Ephesians 4 Part 2 – Christ’s Descension and Ascension!
This is a very short section but it is important to understand what it meant for Christ to first descend into the lower parts of the earth, and then ascend, and what was the purpose...
Ephesians 4 Part 1 – Walk in Unity!
Today we began the practical side or the second part of Ephesians in which Paul has told us how we are to outwork or “walk out” our theology. We may have great ‘orthodoxy’ but how...
Ephesians 3 Part 3 – Prayer for the Outworking of The Mystery!
In Ephesians 1 Paul prayed his 3 “what” prayer. In Ephesians 3:16-19 he prayed his 4 “that” prayer. This was the prayer that he began putting together in Eph.3:1, until he had flashbacks of things to include in his prayer....
Ephesians 3 Part 2 – The Purpose of The Mystery!
It is God’s intention that NOW His manifold or multi-faceted wisdom should be made known by the church to the principalities and powers, or the angelic realm. In fact, we saw in 1 Pet.1:12 that angels desire...
Ephesians 3 Part 1 – The Mystery Revealed!
It might not seem like too much of mystery to us, but in fact God’s Plan of Salvation included parts that were kept “Top Secret” since the world began (Rom.16:25-27; Col.1:26), even though it was...
Ephesians 2 Part 3 – You’ll Fit Right In to the Temple that He is building!
Maybe you feel like you don’t fit in! Perhaps you have even been rejected! Well then, you are in good company. Our Lord Jesus Christ was ‘The stone that the builders rejected” (Psalm 118:22; Mk....
Ephesians 2 Part 2 – Brought Near and at Peace with God through Christ!
Can you remember what your life was like before you came to Christ? In vv.1-3 we learned that we were dead in our trespasses and sins, but God made us alive. But in this second part...
Ephesians 2 Part 1 – Once Dead! But Made Alive By God’s Grace Alone!
In this first part of Ephesians 2 we are told, ‘You were dead’ and had to be ‘quickened’ or ‘made alive’ (vv.1-3). This ‘being Regenerated’ or ‘Being Born Again’ took place in us ‘when we were...
Ephesians 1 Part 3 – “What” Is Paul’s 3 Point Prayer?
Having meditated and written about the grace of God lavished upon the believers (vv.1-14), what could Paul do but launch into prayer and thanksgiving for all the believers. At the core of Paul’s prayer he...
Ephesians 1 Part 2 – Redemption, Forgiveness, and Inheritance!
God’s purpose is written over all His plans, which is the revelation of His council and will. It is amazing that God would tell us anything about the way He thinks and orders ALL THINGS after...