Reformation Truths – The Five Solas

There are many believers who are not informed about the events of the 1517 Reformation, and could care less. They probably don’t know much about church history and how doctrinally deformed things had become – so much so that the Way of Salvation was not clear, and had rather shifted to something that was so far from what the Bible actually teaches. Then on October 31st 1517 an Augustinian monk by the name of Martin Luther, lit the fuse that would set Germany and much of Europe on fire with the truths of Justification and the true Gospel. From that Reformation, came the catchphrase, “Post Tenebras Lux“, which is Latin for “After Darkness Light”, as many old truths were rediscovered.

In this message we will take a look at The Five Solas that defined The Reformed position:

  1. Sola Scriptura – Scripture Alone
  2. Solus Christus – Christ Alone
  3. Sola Gratia – Grace Aone
  4. Sola Fide – Faith Alone
  5. Soli Deo Gloria – To God Alone Be [the] Glory.

If you would like to watch the video of this sermon on Youtube, you can click right here!


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