Psalm 3: Help Me O LORD!

It never ceases to amaze me how many Christians open their Bibles and grab a verse or a promise and start applying it to their lives, or in some cases, use it as sermon material. Does context mean nothing? Well, if you agree that context is important, then you’ll want to take note of the superscript written in your Bible under the title: Psalm 3. It says, “A Psalm of David when he fled from Absolom his son”, which relates to the events found in 2 Sam.13-18, in which David’s son, Absolom lead a treasonous revolt against King David.

David and his men found themselves on the run. But at some point it would appear that David stopped and prayed. He was so confident in God’s answer to his prayer that he could lie down and sleep, even though he was surrounded by up to 10,000 enemies!

We perhaps can identify with some of this, or we may simply feel as if our enemies have increased. Perhaps they have mocked you concerning your prayers, saying, “God won’t answer your prayer!”

Ultimately Christ would come, and would be surrounded by many, many enemies. But He went to the cross, because of the joy that was set before Him (Heb.12:2-3).

To watch this sermon in its video format, click on this link to Youtube!


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