Psalm 20 – God Save the king and The King Save Us!

Psalms 20 and 21 form a pair of Psalms. Psalm 20 is a “Pre-Battle” song, and Psalm 21 is “Post-War” Victory celebration. But because no specifics are given, and the opening words of Psalm 20 say, “May the LORD answer you in the day of trouble…”, it is possible to apply this Psalm to a variety of situations. We know David was facing natural human enemies, whereas the battles we face are more spiritual (though sometimes coming in fleshly forms), David and ourselves are assured of Victory! Most likely this Psalm was written for David or on behalf of David, based on the many times “We” and “Our” are used throughout. The Greatest Victory in Battle however was in the Battle for Souls. Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice to insure Victory and our Salvation! Not only is this so, but Jesus is ever living and always making intercession FOR THE SAINTS (not to the Saints)! He saved King David, but David’s King would SAVE HIM, and if we put our trust in Jesus Christ, us as well (See (Ps.20:9; Rom.10:8-13).

To watch the full service from 28/08/2022 including two great testimonies, click here!


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