Psalm 2: The Lord And His Anointed. is a great Psalm and one that is often quoted in the New Testament as referring to Christ. What is it that makes the nations and kings and rulers so mad? Why do they feel so held by God’s cords or chains? Why do they want to break free? How do these things apply to David and how do they find their ultimate fulfilment in The Messiah, The Anointed One, The Christ. Find out in this message.
Then follow the advice that the LORD gives through David in vv.10-12:
- Be Wise
- Be Instructed
- Serve The LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling
- Kiss The Son
- Put your trust in Him
Will you do that and avoid God’s wrath? Whose side are you on? The side of The LORD and His Anointed, or those in opposition?
To watch the Youtube video of this sermon, click on this link!
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