Psalm 15 – Who Can Approach This Holy God?

In this Psalm David asks a couple of question in v.1, which he takes the rest of the Psalm to answer. Actually when David asked, “LORD, who may abide in Your tabernacle? Who may dwell in Your holy hill?” he was referring to some of the earthly dwelling places of God, and ultimately to God’s heavenly abode. But who can dwell or abide there?

David then lists a few of the things that would be required of such a person (See vv.2-5b), and which are basic requirements for living as an Israelite under the Law of Moses as found in the Books of ExodusLeviticus, and Deuteronomy. Then in the New Testament you discover that Jesus spoke of a higher standard (See Matt.5:17-20). We can’t measure up, but we do have the very righteousness of Christ that has been given to us who have believed.

David says that a person who lives as described in Ps.15:2-5b, will not be shaken (Ps.15:5c).

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