Psalm 1 – The Two Paths In Life!

Once we finished preaching and studying through the Book of Job, people were asking, “What is next after Job?” Well, naturally if they know their Bible they will know that The Psalms come after Job. It is not our intention to start a series on The Psalms, but we might squeeze a few of them in before we embark upon our next series, whatever that may be.  But those Psalms nevertheless can be put into a series of their own.

So today we looked at Psalm 1. I had memorised this Psalm as a young believer, but I hadn’t realised until I had completed all my studies in Psalms, that in fact Psalm 1 sets the tone for the rest of the Psalms. This is because it speaks of two paths, and two types of people: The righteous and The ungodly. And this theme is elaborated upon in all the Psalms that follow.

The righteous truly are blessed, and happy (regardless of what translation you use), and the reasons are given in vv.1-3.

Then we also see the opposite – the path of the wicked and that they are on the road to destruction and that in the end they shall perish (vv.4-6).

The thing is – how can one become “the righteous“? Is it by keeping all the laws? No, since that would be self-righteousness. And yet Abraham and David both discovered a righteousness that was received by faith, which meant they were “made righteous” or “justified” in the eyes of God (See Rom.4:1-8; 10:1-4), not based on their own personal merits, but by “faith alone” (See Rom.5:1).

The Good News or Gospel is that though we were all once “ungodly” and headed for destruction, ‘God loved the world so much that He gave His one and only son, that the ones believing in Him would NOT PERISH but have EVERLASTING LIFE (See John 3:16-21).

Is God calling to you as one of His lost sheep? If so, today, obey His voice and come to Him. Put your faith in Him, turn from your sin, and God will justify you (make you righteous), and place you on the path to life, which is life eternal rich and free!

Again, if you’d like to watch the sermon in its video format on Youtube, just click this link!


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