Matthew 22 Pt.1 – The-Parable Of The Wedding Feast! people are able to quote the verse: “Many are called, but few are chosen”, but they may not know where to find it in the Bible. And many of those same people like to quote that verse out of context simply because they are either not aware of the context or they don’t care about context. So we can be sure to get a LOT of comments by the armchair, or kitchen chair, theologians who have their views on what the text means. But at least by seeing the verse in connection to the parable that Jesus gave preceding it, hopefully they will come to a better understanding of how the CALL goes out to MANY people, but that FEW there are that are CALLED and CHOSEN, and who for that reason are COMPELLED to COME to Christ for Salvation!
To watch the video from today, just click on this link!
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