Matthew 20 Pt.1 – The-Labourers in The Vineyard!

This parable sits between two identical statements of Jesus. In Matt. 19:30 Jesus had said, “But many who are the first will be last, and the last first.” Then in Matt.20:16 Jesus also said, “So the last will be first, and the first last. [For many are called, but few chosen.]” That last line isn’t found in the NU text, but it is found later in Matt.22:14, which might suggest a scribal error. The context throughout has been salvation, and you’ll find that the point of the parable of the labourers in the vineyard, quite an unexpected teaching on the grace and mercy of God towards those who don’t deserve it – which of course would be every single one of us.

To watch today’s video on Youtube, click on this link!


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