Matthew 19 Pt.3- All Things Are Possible With God!

Having just read of the rich young ruler in the previous section, we then must see this last section of Matt.19 as a continuation. A lot of people are used to taking verses out of context. One very popular one is “All things are possible with God“. But let us consider the context here. It was Jesus referring to the hardship or difficulty of a rich person entering the kingdom of God! And in reality it is not only hard for the rich, it is impossible for anyone, rich or poor to “be saved without the power of God doing a work in their life.

Rich people tend to trust in themselves or in their possessions or riches, and have a difficulty letting go of that trust and placing all their trust in God alone.

In this section Jesus also talked about the gains that believers would receive both in this life and in the life to come. But if we look at the parallel passage in Mk.10:29-30 we discover that these things that can be right here in the present come also with persecutions, which could well mean the loss of family, homes, things in this life, for the sake of the Gospel. But think of the benefits – not necessarily “Your Best Life Now“, but you will be rewarded in the life to come. However, many do testify that as believers they have gained brothers, and sistersfamilieshomes through all the new connections that they have found in Christian Fellowship!

For today’s video, click on this link!


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