Matthew 19 Pt.1 – Marriage, Divorce, Celibacy, and Children!

Don’t be fooled into thinking that the Pharisees that mingled in with the crowds in Judea were actually interested in asking Jesus about some theological questions that they had about marriage, divorce, and remarriage. This was a red herring, designed to trap Jesus in His words.

But Jesus did take the opportunity to address these issues, pointing out that God’s Original plan for marriage, as found in Gen.2:24, was that the man and his wife be joined together in an unbreakable union, but that because of the hardness of men’s hearts God made the concession of allowing divorce.

Listen as Jesus addresses not only questions on Marriage and Divorce, and the grounds for divorce, but also His disciple’s questions on ‘remaining single‘ for the sake of the Kingdom of God/Heaven.

And lastly, it is important that Jesus took the time to minister a blessing and pray for children who were brought to Him, rather than sending them away. Children are often the ones that suffer most when marriages breakdown!

To go straight to today’s video of the full service, just click on this link!


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