Mar 2024

In this chapter Jesus speaks to the crowds and to His disciples about the Scribes and Pharisees. There are quite a few parallels with religious groups today, including even certain sects within Christianity, who have leaders who don’t practice what they preach, and rather than point people to real faith that pleases God, did more to condemn people and point out how they weren’t doing enough. But in the end their way of burdening the people was completely and diametrically opposed to Jesus’ way, as outline by Him in Matt.11:28-30. To watch the......

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Feb 2024

The Pharisees and Sadducees had had their turn in asking Jesus hard questions in order to test Him and entangle Him in His words. Now the shoe would be on the other foot, as Jesus didn’t let them retreat too far! He asked them a question of His own. I like this quote from R.C.Sproul, “If His answers made them look foolish, His questions removed any doubt!” That reminds me of people who try to wade into theological debates that they aren’t capable or trained well enough in. When asked to back up......

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Feb 2024

Here we have “Round 4” of the theological battles between Jesus and various religious groups. This time, Jesus meets The Pharisees again, and they have put for their “Mighty Warrior”, to try to test Jesus with a trick question, so see if He knew the Law as well as they did. To watch the video from today, just click on this link!...

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Jan 2024

In this episode Jesus took on another religious group called The Sadducees. They existed between 187 BC up until around the time of the destruction of The Temple in 70 AD. There were various factions and points of view amongst the religious leaders of the first century, and there were ongoing disputes between The Pharisees and The Sadducees. They had different points of views on a number of things. See particularly Acts 23:8 that tells us some of the differences between these two groups. However, they had a common enemy, and it......

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Jan 2024

Here we see Jesus being confronted by a mix of the disciples of The Pharisees (who likely just repeat arguments they heard from their teachers), and The Herodians. They usually did not see eye-to-eye, but now they have a common enemy – Jesus. Would He fall into their trap? By the way the batteries for the wireless mic died during the sermon, and were replaced, and you might notice “a glitch” there! To watch the video of this morning, click on this link!...

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Jan 2024

Many people are able to quote the verse: “Many are called, but few are chosen”, but they may not know where to find it in the Bible. And many of those same people like to quote that verse out of context simply because they are either not aware of the context or they don’t care about context. So we can be sure to get a LOT of comments by the armchair, or kitchen chair, theologians who have their views on what the text means. But at least by seeing the verse in......

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