Job 10 – Saved and Sanctified I am!

What a great follow on from Job 9. Yes we can stand righteous before God (Rom.5:1), but God has not finished with us yet. Job mentioned that he felt ‘oppressed‘ by God (See vv.1-7), and there was no way to escape or flee from God’s Presence (See Ps.139:7-12), and that once God has us in His hands, He will never let us go (See John 10:28-29).

Vv.8-12 uses language very similar to Gen.2 and Ps.139:13-16 to describe God’s creation of man. And even though God had done such a wonderful job of making man, Job’s body was under attack (See Job 2:6-8; 7:5; 30:28, 30), and Job couldn’t see the point in this.

In vv.13-17 which are quite hard to understand, and which Bible commentators struggle with, we see Job wondering how if he is righteous before God, as in Job 9:2, how he still feels disgrace. We know that fromHeb.4:12-16 believers can come boldly to the throne of grace. The problem is that many people, whether they be Word of Faith people, or Roman Catholics, seem to make little or no distinction between Justification and Sanctification. Therefore the one thinks he can never actually be ‘Justified‘ and the other thinks he is as ‘Sanctified‘ as he’ll ever be. However, though we have been Justified by faith (Rom.5:1), there is an ongoing work of the Holy Spirit in our lives called ‘Sanctification‘!                  (See 1 Thess.4:3; 1 Jn.1:8-2:1).

And finally vv.18-22 are where we connect with the Gospel and with Christ. Job had talked similarly in Job 3, and here, about going from the womb to the grave, and people who would live all their lives in nothing but darkness. But thanks to texts such as Isa.9; Matt.4:12-17, and Jesus who is the Light of the World (Jn.8:12), we can come out of the darkness. Yes, He delivered and called us ‘out of darkness‘ (1 Pet.2:9-10; Eph.5:8), and takes the darkness out of us. There are many though who run from the light (See Jn.3:19-21). Therefore, as believers who have been brought from darkness to light, we welcome the Light of Truth, and “Walk in the Light” (See 1 Jn.1:5-2:1).


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