Ephesians 3 Part 1 – The Mystery Revealed!


It might not seem like too much of a mystery to us, but in fact God’s Plan of Salvation included parts that were kept “Top Secret” since the world began (Rom.16:25-27; Col.1:26), even though it was actually referred to in Scripture (Rom.15:9-13), that is that the Gentiles would be included in God’s Salvation Plan.  You would think that this would be clear enough for Paul, but yet it took special grace from God for Paul to be able to see this, and further grace was given to him, because it was Paul who received the call as the Apostle to the Gentiles (Rom.11:13; Gal.2:6-10). God also has given each of us grace to be able to minister and to do whatever He has called us to do (Rom.12:3-8).


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