
Dec 2023

As Jesus was teaching or preaching the Gospel in The Temple (See Matt.21:23; Mk.12:27; Lk.20:1), he was interrupted or confronted by “the religious police”, who questioned Jesus on what gave Him the right to do the things He had done over the last couple of days! To watch the full video of this Sunday’s meeting, just click on this link!...

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Nov 2023

Our guest speaker Mark Anderson, from Lisnadill Full Gospel Church near Armagh, brought the Word of the Lord from Jeremiah 18, and spoke of God’s dealing with us, and our need to obey the last word that He spoke to us. To watch the video from today, which also includes special songs from Mark’s wife, Rosnah, just click on this link!...

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Nov 2023

Today we actually had Larry who brought us a message from Isaiah 35, and this was followed by the teaching from Matthew 21 18-22 on Jesus’ Cursing of The Fig Tree, and what that would have symbolised. The last section on “Faith” should not be detached from the context, as many have done in the Word of Faith Movement, but it should be seen as a lesson on what real, fruitful, life looks like. It is not dead religion, with an outward show, but lives changed that results in fruit! To watch......

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Oct 2023

As we have been working our way through Matthew’s Gospel, we came to the moment of Jesus’ Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem. But Matthew has not given us all the details. Neither have any of the Gospel writers. But sometimes one of them will share some information that the others have not. What we end up doing is having to put all the pieces of this jigsaw together. If we were to follow Matthew’s chronology, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey’s foal, and straightaway went and cleansed the temple. However, that doesn’t......

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Oct 2023

Here are some sermon notes that might help any who want to study this further! As we saw in the previous chapter, Jericho was the last leg of Jesus’ journey towards Jerusalem. However, more or less on the outskirts of Jerusalem there are two villages, Bethphage and Bethany. Perhaps the people standing by or the owner understood ‘The Lord’ to be ‘God’, but quite possibly they also understood that ‘The Lord’ was Jesus! Some have suggested that this was a prearranged ‘password’ or ‘codeword’, but it is more likely that it is......

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Oct 2023

Matthew’s Gospel gives the account of two blind men receiving their sight, in, or around, Jericho. Mark tells us of one blind man, and names him Bartimaeus. And Luke likewise speaks of one blind man. There are reasons for these different accounts, but the bottom line is that there are too many similarities to think that 3 Blind Men received their sight at the same location, and in the same way. These blind men had no physical sight, but they certainly had spiritual sight to be able to recognise who Jesus was,......

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Sep 2023

Jesus had just spoken in advance (“Predicted”) the betrayal, suffering, mocking, and scourging, and death by crucifixion, that He would shortly have to experience, followed by His resurrection. And straight after that, in interesting timing, the mother of two of His disciples, approached Him with her two son, James and John, with a “special request”! It could be that this woman was Salome, mentioned in Mk.15:40-41 and Mk.16:1. If so, then she could also be Mary’s sister (John 19:25), which would mean that James and John were cousins of Jesus. Could it be that three......

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Sep 2023

There are 3 occasions where Jesus told His disciples about the events that would soon unfold leading to His Death, Burial, and Resurrection. These began at Matt.16:21-23. Then again in Matt.17:22-23, And then again here at Matt.20:17-19. Each time Jesus added a little bit more information on how things would work out. He didn’t so much “predict” that “I don’t think things are looking to good as we go up to Jerusalem….The religious leaders might not like Me!” He had spoken of what MUST take place, and spoke of what WILL happen. You see, there are no coincidences or chance happenings......

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