
Jan 2020

What is the role of those of “The Five-Fold-Ministry” gifts mentioned in Ephesians 4:11-12 ? Are they there for all time throughout ‘the Church age’, or do we see Apostles and Prophets functioning the same today as in the formative days of the early church? What is their role? How can a church grow to maturity and hopefully numerically? Surely it is when every member, every joint and ligament “pulls its weight” or does its share, energised and empowered by the Spirit of the Lord....

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Jan 2020

This is a very short section but it is important to understand what it meant for Christ to first descend into the lower parts of the earth, and then ascend, and what was the purpose of this! Did Christ really descend  into Hell, or was it the grave? What was the Gift that Christ showered or poured out upon His people? Based on Ephesians 4:7-10....

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Dec 2019

Today we had guest speaker, Pastor Jim Smith. Jim is the senior Pastor of Happy Trails Christian Fellowship, Surprise, Arizona. Go to www.htcfsurprise.com for further information. Today Jim pointed out that although in Luke 2:14 the angels announced, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” the people involved in the story experienced anything but peace! Their lives were in danger, they experienced fear, and their lives were in turmoil. So what was the “Peace” that God had in mind? Listen to this excellent word in season to find out more!...

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Dec 2019

What a wonderful theme is found in this title and the accompanying songs. Our Lord did not cling on to His heavenly glory but came to this sinful world, knowing His destiny. He was on a rescue mission: “To seek and to save that which was lost (Luke 19:10). He knew that He would not fail to “Save His people from their sins” (Matt.1:21). What is amazing is that God didn’t have to save any one! He set no plan in motion to save any of the angels who sinned (2 Pet.2:4ff), and in......

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Dec 2019

Can a man in his natural human state decide he wants to be born again? Can he come to Christ of his own accord or according to own “free will”? Or does it require a special act of God to renew his heart, quicken him or make him alive, so that he can respond freely and willingly to God? Toward the end of this message Michael shared about his mother’s life and testimony, and some excerpts from the eulogy that he shared at his mother’s funeral service on Friday 13th December.We have......

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Dec 2019

Today our guest speaker was Stephen Lane of Cork, who is married to a Killarney woman. Stephen spoke on various aspects of what it means to be a child of God! Does our status change depending on our behaviour ? What is our relationship to the Lord like? Are we more like the elder brother or the prodigal son? Many such issues were discussed!...

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Nov 2019

Today we began the practical side or the second part of Ephesians in which Paul has told us how we are to outwork or “walk out” our theology. We may have great ‘orthodoxy’ but how is our ‘orthopraxy’? There are a lot of things that every true believer in Christ has in common. We are part of the one body, having one Spirit, because we were called in one hope in the one Lord, having exercised the one faith, having been baptised with the one baptism. In fact there is one God and Father of all who is over all and is......

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