
Sep 2020

This is the third chapter of Job’s response to his friends so far, in which he takes us on a roller-coaster of a ride with his times of great hopefulness and other times of despair. There are many wonderful truths that come out in this chapter, including the concepts that Job sees in nature. For anyone who feels that they are unproductive, that they are dying inside, that all is lost, we are reminded that even a chopped down tree can send out its roots and ‘at the scent of water it will......

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Aug 2020

This is the second chapter in Job’s response to his three friends, in which he does scold them a bit and even calls them ‘forgers of lies’ and told them, “You are all worthless physicians” (v.4). What Job wanted was an audience with the Almighty (v.3), and for his friends to listen in on his case (vv.6, 13-19). He also scolded his friends for the way they had wrongly spoken on God’s behalf (vv.7-12) and wonders how come they seem to have no fear of God. Then Job talks about taking this......

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Aug 2020

Here in this chapter we see Job begin to answer his critics. First he points out that he is not stupid or an empty-headed dumb ass (See Job 11:12) nor inferior to any of his “wise” friends. Then Job lets them know that he feels mocked and ridiculed, much like many just and blameless people are despised by men, even though they are a lamp to help others. Jesus spoke of this principle also in Matt.5:11-12, and though Jesus is The Light of the World (Jn.8:12), He was despised and rejected by men (Isa.53:3).......

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Aug 2020

This sermon was delivered to us by Cliff Dalton sharing on the importance of Spiritual Warfare! From the example of David and Goliath in 1 Sam.17, to the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, who entered the battle for souls, we see the importance of the Word and Prayer for every believer!...

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Aug 2020

Today’s sermon was given by Kenny McClatchey. We looked at Isaiah 6 and the prophet’s encounter with God. Isaiah had already been ministering for God but his ministry was going to be transformed after a fresh encounter with the almighty God. We all need to be encountering God afresh…..and He has made a way for us in Christ to do so....

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Aug 2020

This chapter will mark “The End of Round One”, since Job and all three of Job’s friends will have spoken at least once, with the friends concluding that God alone knows that there must be some secret sin in Job’s life, and that if only he will repent everything will be bright and wonderful! Unfortunately whilst Zophar does say some true things, he accused Job of stating, “My doctrine is pure and I am clean in Your eyes” (v.4), although there is no record of Job ever having claimed this. But we can learn from this......

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Aug 2020

What a great follow on from Job 9. Yes we can stand righteous before God (Rom.5:1), but God has not finished with us yet. Job mentioned that he felt ‘oppressed‘ by God (See vv.1-7), and there was no way to escape or flee from God’s Presence (See Ps.139:7-12), and that once God has us in His hands, He will never let us go (See John 10:28-29). Vv.8-12 uses language very similar to Gen.2 and Ps.139:13-16 to describe God’s creation of man. And even though God had done such a wonderful job of making man, Job’s body was under attack (See Job 2:6-8;......

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Jul 2020

Bildad the Shuhite (Job 8:1) was the second of Job’s three friends to give his “counsel” or “opinion” on what was the reason for all of Job’s suffering. He couldn’t wait for Job to shut up so that he could tell Job that he was nothing but a wind bag!  What we see with Bildad is someone with a very black and white view of things. I.e., since God would never subvert judgement or pervert justice (See v.3), there is no way that the things that happened to Job would have happened unless there was sin in......

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Jul 2020

Life can be fairly tough! Job described it like a workman’s shift. We feel tired, but at least there is our pay at the end of the day! Some people look forward to their retirement because they have worked hard all their lives and they hope to be able to take it easy in their latter years.  In the Bible we are told that God placed a curse upon the earth that would mean that man would have to work and sweat all his life because of original sin (See Gen.3:17-19). That curse......

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