Nov 2020
In this chapter we hear from Eliphaz the Temanite once again. This time his sermon is in response to Job’s last sermon (Job 21). He questions the reason that Job claims to fear God. But of course he doesn’t have all the facts, like we do, from God’s own commentary in Job 1:1, 8; 2:3, 9-10. He makes out as if Job says and believes that God is so far removed from life on earth that He would not see the things that men do. But nowhere has Job ever said this. In......
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Nov 2020
This is the halfway point in the Book of Job and in this chapter Job responds particularly to the last message or sermon by Zophar in the previous chapter. If you recall, Zophar believed that the wicked always get what is coming to them in swift judgement. Here, Job asks, “Really, is that so?” Job describes the wicked as seemingly doing quite well and living to an old age surrounded with their children, and even apparently enjoying the “blessings” of Deut.28:1-4, rather than the curses of Deut.28:15-68. The fact is that rich and poor,......
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Nov 2020
There are many believers who are not informed about the events of the 1517 Reformation, and could care less. They probably don’t know much about church history and how doctrinally deformed things had become – so much so that the Way of Salvation was not clear, and had rather shifted to something that was so far from what the Bible actually teaches. Then on October 31st 1517 an Augustinian monk by the name of Martin Luther, lit the fuse that would set Germany and much of Europe on fire with the truths of Justification and the true Gospel. From that Reformation,......
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Oct 2020
We can tell from the opening verses of Job 20 that Zophar has been affected by what he heard Job say in the previous chapter (Job 19). So now we hear the second and last of Zophar’s speeches, only this time he gives a sermon on the Judgement of the wicked. As you go through Zophar’s sermon you’ll notice a lot of generalisations concerning the kinds of things that befall the wicked. But we have to stop him every once in a while and ask, “Really? Is that always the case?” Zophar seems to......
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Oct 2020
This was a great chapter emphasising Job’s high moments and low moments. By the end of this chapter you’ll see Job had had it all and lost it all, but he has absolute trust that his Redeemer will come and rescue him. Thank God that Job’s wishes that his word and the words of this story were recorded. If you want to see the video of this message, just click here...
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Oct 2020
This chapter presents us with a mini sermon given by Bildad to Job. It would have been a great sermon if only it was directed at the right audience. But unfortunately Bildad sees Job as ‘the wicked’ and proceeds accordingly, and although he makes some generalisations, much of what he is saying is clearly directed at Job.We can learn from this sermon that there is a way to speak to certain people. It has been said that, “Soft words produce hard hearts, and hard words produce soft hearts” (Mark Driscoll), and that......
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Oct 2020
What can we learn from Romans 8:28 which says, ‘And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose’ (NIV)? Well in this sermon, Eric Nugent shares 5 takeaways, that happen to begin with the letter ‘C‘ for us to remember: Certainty, Completeness, Cause, Condition, Consequences. And in fact we need to see the link in the text all the way from Rom.8:26-39, which includes the fact that the Purpose of the things that God is working for our Good, is ultimately for His Glory,......
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Sep 2020
Job 16 and Job 17 are both part of the same dialogue between Job and his friends, and prayer between Job and God! It would sound as if Job has come to the end of his rope, and yet by the end of this chapter, Job still talks about hope, even beyond the grave. Once again, like we saw in Job 16 there is someone else that the descriptions given could be referring to, and its like Job is a prophet speaking about Christ.If you were asked, “What comes to mind when you think of Job?” how......
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Sep 2020
Most believers will be aware that there are texts in the Old Testament that speak figuratively or prophetically about the coming Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ. Usually they will cite Psalm 22 or Isaiah 53 as the most obvious. Which they are! But I wonder how many would turn to Job 16? Yes, Job suffered terribly. But how can the reader miss the quite obvious fact that ‘a greater than Job’ is also being referred to! As you listen to the descriptions Job gives, particularly in vv.9-14, and vv.15-17, I think you might recognise things spoken there that don’t......
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Sep 2020
So far in Job we have heard from Job and his three friends at least once. That was the end of “Round 1” and then for three chapters (Job 12, 13, & 14) we heard from Job as he prayed and spoke to his friends. So this chapter is the start of “Round 2”, and the first one of Job’s friends who spoke the last time (Job 4-5), known as Eliphaz the Temanite, who might as well have been named Eliphaz the Terminator, is the first to speak again. Maybe he thinks......
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