
Nov 2024

When people generally think of “church”, the first thing that comes to mind is a building made of bricks and built by the hand of craftsmen. But not so the church that Jesus said He would build. He is using rocks, but not stones cut from the earth but living stones or living rocks, that He fits together to build His church. So today Eddie spoke about The Church and what it means to be part of The Church, which is also described as The Body of Christ. To watch the full......

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Nov 2024

After His Olivet Discourse (Matt.24-25), Jesus predicted His coming death, for the fourth time, but this indicating more specifically, when it was going to take place. But in reality, these things had been PLANNED IN ADVANCE by God, and in His FOREKNOWLEDGE and COUNSEL, He had PREDESTINED what was DEFINITELY GOING TO TAKE PLACE. That means, that things were running according to God’s timetable and not mens’! To watch the video from today’s service, just click on this link!...

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Nov 2024

This is the final part of Jesus’ Olivet Discourse. So that bring this sermon series in total to 12 parts, starting at Matt.24 and ending at the end of Matt.25. If you recall the question or questions that Jesus’ disciples asked him in Matt.24:3, you are doing well. As R.C. Sproul said, the three hardest doctrines in the Bible are undoubtedly those of Judgement, Hell, and Predestination. And it will drive some people nuts to find all three of these doctrines mentioned in one sermon. Well, here it is, at least we find the reason why people believe those......

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Oct 2024

Here is another section of Jesus’ Olivet Discourse, that begins in Matt.24:1 and finishes just before Matt.26:1. Each of these last two sections stress the need for Christ’s disciples to be ready and prepared before His return. But it doesn’t mean sitting idle, ready and prepared. It means getting down to business and using the resources that the Lord has distributed to each of us, each according to our ability! To watch today’s full Sunday service on video, click here to go to Youtube!...

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Oct 2024

Starting in Psalm 60, Nicky shared how David looked to the LORD for the FINAL and ULTIMATE VICTORY, and so we too, when we see that we might have missed the mark, or are wondering what is going on in the battle we are facing, should look to the LORD who will give the VICTORY and we shall TRIUMPH in the LORD! To watch the video from today, just click on this link!...

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Sep 2024

Jesus continued with His Olivet discourse that He began in Matt.24, and continues on till the end of Matt.25, with some of the same themes, such as the need to be ready and prepared for His return. So often we have heard this parable and have made several assumptions, such as the fact that the ten virgins were bridesmaids, whereas the text doesn’t actually say this. Also, some have used this parable to teach or imply that a Christian could lose his or her salvation. But it is worth pointing out that......

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