
Jun 2021

According to the superscript of this Psalm, it was a meditation of David, which he sang to the LORD because of or concerning the words of Cush, a Benjamite. We aren’t told who this was but we know that Saul was of the tribe of Benjamin, and was always hounding David. Some commentators think that the person referred to was an officer of Saul’s army who was troubling David. Anyway, as Christians we can identify with the tactics of the enemy and pray that God will bring justice to the wicked and......

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Jun 2021

This Psalm has been referred to as a prayer for healing or restoration. It is also included as one of the penitential psalms, which include Ps.32; 38; 51; 102; 130;  & 143, although this Psalm doesn’t contain any clear reference to or an acknowledgement of any sin. And yet David feels as if the LORD may be rebuking or chastising him. David speaks about some sickness he has that effects him right to the bones, and in fact even further, right to the soul, and David thinks he is at the point of death......

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Jun 2021

Psalm 4 was an evening prayer, and this one, Psalm 5 is referred to as a morning prayer. David compared the righteous with the wicked. The wicked, and those who were David’s enemies could not stand in God’s Presence, whereas the only reason why David could come into God’s presence/God’s house, was because of God’s Merciful Kindness (Hesed) towards him. Some people will be surprised to learn that there are certain people who God hates (See vv.5-6). They’ll say, “Doesn’t God love each and every person unconditionally?” or “God loves the sinner but hates the sin!” Well, we......

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May 2021

According to this Psalm, David is in distress. No specifics are given, and therefore many of us can relate this to times in our lives when we have also been distressed. This is also known as an evening prayer, and like Ps.3:5 David prays and then is able to go to sleep peacefully, knowing that the LORD will make him dwell safely. Maybe David could only deal with this when he had dealt with any anger that he had in his heart. I hope this Psalm will encourage us and that there will be......

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May 2021

On this Pentecost Sunday, 2021 brother Larry O’Mahoney shared a message entitled simply, “Repent!” This was the message in 2 Chron. 7:14, and the message of John the Baptist in Matt.3:2, followed by the Lord Jesus Christ in Matt.4:17, and the apostle Paul in Acts 17:30, and by the apostle John writing concerning the Church at Ephesus in Rev.2 It is therefore a timeless message, and as we see in the apostle Peter’s message on The Day of Pentecost in Acts 2, repentance would be followed by the outpouring of the Gift of The Holy Spirit (See Acts 2:36-39). To......

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May 2021

It never ceases to amaze me how many Christians open their Bibles and grab a verse or a promise and start applying it to their lives, or in some cases, use it as sermon material. Does context mean nothing? Well, if you agree that context is important, then you’ll want to take note of the superscript written in your Bible under the title: Psalm 3. It says, “A Psalm of David when he fled from Absolom his son”, which relates to the events found in 2 Sam.13-18, in which David’s son, Absolom lead a......

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May 2021

This is a great Psalm and one that is often quoted in the New Testament as referring to Christ. What is it that makes the nations and kings and rulers so mad? Why do they feel so held by God’s cords or chains? Why do they want to break free? How do these things apply to David and how do they find their ultimate fulfilment in The Messiah, The Anointed One, The Christ. Find out in this message. Then follow the advice that the LORD gives through David in vv.10-12: Be Wise Be......

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May 2021

Once we finished preaching and studying through the Book of Job, people were asking, “What is next after Job?” Well, naturally if they know their Bible they will know that The Psalms come after Job. It is not our intention to start a series on The Psalms, but we might squeeze a few of them in before we embark upon our next series, whatever that may be.  But those Psalms nevertheless can be put into a series of their own. So today we looked at Psalm 1. I had memorised this Psalm as a young believer, but I hadn’t......

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Apr 2021

We started this series in Job on the 31st May 2020, and have finished it on the last Sunday of April, 2021. So that’s under a year, and we should include the fact that there were other speakers who preached from time to time. However, many Bible Commentators believe that Job’s experience from start to finish may have taken less than a year. It’s just good that we all don’t have to go through the same kind of suffering that Job had. Does God heal Job in the end? That isn’t specifically......

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Apr 2021

Today we went into a little bit more detail on Job 40:15-24, and described ‘the behemoth‘ as a Monster or Large Beast of the land or earth, and then followed that with Job 41 with its description of ‘Leviathan‘ the beast from the sea! Isn’t it interesting that the Book of Revelation describes a Beast from the Sea and a Beast from the Earth (Rev.13), and a Dragon (Rev.12), both having some of the features of the beasts from Job 40-41. Again, if you’d like to watch the video of this sermon on Youtube, you can click......

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