
Feb 2022

Jesus could easily draw crowds with His miracles, and He could easily have many “followers”! But what about true disciples? In vv.18-22 we see two “would-be” disciples of Jesus, who probably had not counted the cost. The first, unusually, was a certain “scribe”, who seems to have been a bit too eager to follow Jesus. If we compare the parallel account in Lk.9:57-62, we see that there were then two others who wanted to follow Jesus. But amazingly, both of them said, “Lord, let me first…” Shouldn’t Jesus, the one they called,”Lord,” have been first? The second incident......

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Jan 2022

In this section of Matthew 8 we see plenty of miracles. First the cleansing of a leper, then the healing by the word of Jesus to the Centurion concerning his servant, and finally, the healing of Peter’s mother-in-law. Then once the Sabbath was over, hordes of sick and demon-possessed people turned up at the door of the house where Jesus was staying, and Jesus healed them all. In this, Matthew saw the fulfilment of Isa.53:4! To watch the video of this sermon, click on this link!...

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Jan 2022

From this section of Matt.7:13-29 we notice Jesus speaking words that are more challenging to whoever may be listening, speaking to them of two ways! There is one way that leads to destruction, and the other way, the more difficult way, is the narrow way that leads to life (vv.13-14). See also Jer.21:8 and Prov.16:25. Then Jesus warned about false prophets (vv.15-20), and could it be that these would be people who would act like sheep but who were actually wolves in sheep’s clothing, who would lead people down the wrong way, the path that leads to destruction? They may have “fruit” to show for themselves, but......

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Jan 2022

This chapter starts with one of the best known verses in the Bible: “Judge not, that you be not judged.” What did Jesus mean by this? Are we known as people who judge and condemn one another? Are we never to exercise any judgement? What about making the judgement call on who is a a dog or a swine (Matt.7:6)? It is unfortunate that over the last couple of years Christians have been divided over the whole COVID issue with one side judging and even slandering others on how they should have......

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Jan 2022

A few mini sermons from Jesus’ Sermon On The Mount! From vv.19-34, Jesus gave His disciples some mini-sermons on how they were to live. Followers of Jesus aren’t to be so focused on the possessions they have in this life, based on worry, and not based on faith in their Heavenly Father. To conclude this section, Jesus commanded His disciples not to worry, but trust in God’s Providence! To watch the video of this sermon click on this link, that will open up Youtube. Please subscribe!...

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Jan 2022

Three areas in which religious people tend to show their “spirituality”: Charitable Deeds, Prayer, and Fasting! But these are three areas that can be abused or misused for the purpose of drawing attention to ourselves. To watch this sermon on Youtube, click on this link! And please subscribe to our Youtube channel....

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Dec 2021

You can have the best laid out plans ever, but that is no guarantee of success. The reason is that God alone knows the future. You may “prophesy” or “confess” or “say” all the so-called “right things” and yet not see things work out the way “you planned” them to. We are really supposed to summit all our plans to the Lord who knows our future. To watch the Youtube video of this sermon given on St. Stephen’s Day or “Boxing Day”, just click on this link!...

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Dec 2021

From Genesis to Malachi God had spoken through the prophets of the Coming One, The Anointed One, The Messiah. From Gen.3:15 Satan knew that he was cruising for a bruising. He didn’t know exactly when, where, how, or who this prophesy would be fulfilled. Ultimately Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and free those were had been in bondage their whole lives, through fear of death. Jesus accomplished this in His death and resurrection, but the fact is that the moment that baby was conceived (perhaps around December) as far as......

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Dec 2021

In this message we cover 3 more of the ‘You have heard it said…but I say to you’ statements of Jesus from His “Sermon on The Mount” (Matthew 5:33-48). Are Christians forbidden to swear oaths, or did Jesus mean that we should be known as people of our word? Are we to retaliate “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”, or are we to “turn the other cheek”? And are we only to love those that love us, or are we to go the second mile even for......

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Dec 2021

In Matthew 5 from vv.21-48, Jesus gave us 6 “You have heard that it was said…but I say unto you”, statements. In this sermon we cover the first 3 of these, concerning Murder, Adultery, and Divorce. The rabbis had touched on the basic meaning of these commands or sayings, whereas Jesus shows that God even looks to the heart and the motivations behind these sayings, as He basically expounds upon His meaning of a righteousness that is much greater than that of the Scribes and Pharisees (See Matt.5:20). If you would like to watch this sermon in its video format......

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