Jun 2022
This morning brother Larry O’Mahoney shared on the actions of The Good Samaritan, who is a great example to us of how Jesus saved and healed us when we were “dead in sins” or in the story found in Luke 10, where the man was found “half dead“; but we get the picture. And believers too are to act the part of Samaritans or Christians towards those we find in life who have been robbed and hurt, and left for dead, without hope and without God in this world! For the full video of today’s church service, click on this link!...
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Jun 2022
aIn this section of this chapter we see fresh hostilities between The Pharisees and Jesus. This time Jesus healed a man who was demon-possessed, and who was blind and mute. The miracle was so great that many really considered the possibility that Jesus really was ‘The Messiah‘ or Son of David. But not The Pharisees. They really stooped to new lows here when they said that Jesus was in cahoots or in league with the Devil, Beelzebub, or Lord or the flies, or Lord of the Dung Hill. Jesus demonstrated that this......
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Jun 2022
Matthew 12:15-21 paints an accurate picture of the kind of leader that Jesus was. He was no rabble-rouser, ringleader, or trouble maker. Rather He was gentle and would win His victory by going about things that pleased His Father. God anointed Jesus not only to heal the sick, fulfilling Isa.53:4, but also to show that rather than break the bruised reeds and snuff out the smoking flax, representing broke and hurting people, He would bring HOPE and VICTORY, not only to His people Israel, but also in fulfilment of Isa.42:1-4, to bring Justice to the Gentiles,......
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May 2022
We saw in Matt.11:29-30 that Jesus said, “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me…For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” We know that in comparison, the Pharisees would place burdens on the people that were too hard to bear (See Matt.23:4; Acts 15:10). And to see this kind of dynamic in action, all we have to do is look at Matt.12:1-14. First we see Jesus and His disciples innocently walking through grain fields on the Sabbath day, and eating the odd handful of grain. This was actually right within the requirements of the law, as seen......
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May 2022
What was the difference between John the Baptist’s Ministry, and Jesus’ Ministry? One was associated with sadness and fasting and the other with joy and gladness. But some people would never be moved by one type of ministry or the other, whether by religion with its bells and smells or religion that is very entertaining. Actually, the only way anyone can truly know God the Father and Jesus the Son, is through Revelation. But as Jesus said, He reveals the Father to whomsoever He will to reveal Him to. Jesus made the......
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May 2022
This morning brother Larry O’Mahoney shared about the living water that Jesus gives to all who thirst. Those who have been Born Again thirst no more for anything other than more of that Living water. The evidence of the changed life is Repentance and Forgiveness and Reconciliation, as seen in the story of the Prodigal Son (See Luke 15:11-32). To watch the full video from this morning, just click on this link!...
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May 2022
In the first part of this chapter Jesus sent a message of encouragement to John the Baptist, and spoke to the crowds about John and his ministry. John came as the last in a long line of prophets and was the last of the Old Testament prophets. Jesus actually said that John was the greatest of all the prophets and yet as great as John was, the least member in the Kingdom of Heaven was greater than John, having much better blessings and privileges than John could ever have dreamed of. People......
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May 2022
To encourage His Twelve Apostles, and likewise ourselves, Jesus told them that God has everything under control. That we should not fear those that can hurt or kill our body, but after that can do no more, since they can’t get at your soul. Rather we should have a fear of God who can destroy both body and soul in hell (See Matt.10:27-31; 2 Thess.1:9; 2 Thess. 2:8; Phil.3:19). The same God who can do that though, has a loving concern for His own, and the very hairs of our head are numbered and we......
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Apr 2022
We know from Matt.10:1-15 that the instructions and commands that Jesus gave to the twelve apostles were very specific. But when we come to vv.16ff we begin to see principles that also include other future missions. However, vv.16-20 include some elements that would only be fulfilled in a Jewish setting, such as the disciples being delivered to councils and that they would scourge them in their synagogues. These things certainly didn’t happen in relation to the commission given in Matt.10:1-15, or in relation to the mission of the further 70 that Jesus sent out in Lk.10:1-23. However, when Jesus spoke of them being brought before governors and kings for Jesus’ name sake,......
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Apr 2022
Today we celebrated the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ from the grave. Obviously we have to back up a moment and speak of Jesus’ death by crucifixion, and why that event took place. The Resurrection is an Essential Truth of the Christian Faith, since if Jesus did not rise again, just as He had said, then as Paul pointed out in 1 Cor.15:1-19, the whole Christian religion is false! So Paul went to great lengths to show how important Christ’s Death, Burial, and Resurrection were. Let us not think for one moment that Jesus’......
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