Author Archives: Michael Robson

Michael Robson

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Peace Or Turmoil?

Today we had guest speaker, Pastor Jim Smith. Jim is the senior Pastor of Happy Trails Christian Fellowship, Surprise, Arizona. Go to for further information. Today Jim pointed out that although in Luke 2:14 the angels announced, “Glory...

December 29, 2019
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Down From His Glory!

What a wonderful theme is found in this title and the accompanying songs. Our Lord did not cling on to His heavenly glory but came to this sinful world, knowing His destiny. He was on...

December 22, 2019
in Uncategorized

Status of a Child!

Today our guest speaker was Stephen Lane of Cork, who is married to a Killarney woman. Stephen spoke on various aspects of what it means to be a child of God! Does our status change...

December 01, 2019