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A Foreshadowing Of Things To Come!
The Outbreak of the COVID 19 Corona Virus has had a major impact on the whole world! Everywhere you go you’ll hear people talking about it, and about their fears, and the uncertainty of the...
The Outbreak of the COVID 19 Corona Virus has had a major impact on the whole world! Everywhere you go you’ll hear people talking about it, and about their fears, and the uncertainty of the...
In this last section of Ephesians 5, Paul talked about the special relationship that exists between a husband and his wife, and points out that this actually is based on the foundation of Gen.2:23-24, and that ultimately...
In light of having been brought from death to life, from darkness to light, Christians should not be ‘sleepy’ or ‘sleeping’ amongst the dead (Eph.5:14; 2:1-3). But then what? Well we are to be careful...
We were not just in the dark spiritually, we were in fact “darkness”! That is until the Light of the Glorious Gospel shined into our darkened souls (See 2 Cor.4:5-6). Then God brought us out of...
This morning Larry O’Mahoney shared many examples of how the Fire of God is used in the Bible. Texts included Jer.20:9, Jn.15:3; Heb.1:7; Lk.24:32; Jn.8:12; 2 Pet.3:10ff; Matt.3:11-12; Deut.4:24; Isa.43:1-2; Dan.3; Ps.39:3; Lk.24:17ff; Isa.35:8; Lk.16.
We aren’t called to be imitation Christians, but we are to ‘Be imitators of God as dear children’ (Eph.5:1). Now there’s a verse that has been taken out of context by those who think they can be...
In this week’s episode we look at some practical areas that need to change in the new life of a believer. It may come as a bit of a surprise that Paul had to write...
This Sunday Eric shared this message on Faith and how various Biblical characters were ‘kept afloat during troubled times’, because of their obedience to God.Here are 3 Points to take away from this sermon: 1)...
What was our spiritual and mental state before we were regenerated by the Holy Spirit? Paul paints a dismal picture of ‘the rest of the Gentiles’ in Eph.4:17-19, which corresponds with his more lengthy discussion of...
What is the role of those of “The Five-Fold-Ministry” gifts mentioned in Ephesians 4:11-12 ? Are they there for all time throughout ‘the Church age’, or do we see Apostles and Prophets functioning the same today...