Author Archives: Michael Robson

Michael Robson

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God’s Word Is A Fire!

This morning Larry O’Mahoney shared many examples of how the Fire of God is used in the Bible. Texts included Jer.20:9, Jn.15:3; Heb.1:7; Lk.24:32; Jn.8:12; 2 Pet.3:10ff; Matt.3:11-12; Deut.4:24; Isa.43:1-2; Dan.3; Ps.39:3; Lk.24:17ff; Isa.35:8; Lk.16.

February 16, 2020
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Staying Afloat In Troubled Times!

This Sunday Eric shared this message on Faith and how various Biblical characters were ‘kept afloat during troubled times’, because of their obedience to God.Here are 3 Points to take away from this sermon: 1)...

January 26, 2020