Author Archives: Michael Robson

Michael Robson

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Psalm 5 – A Morning-Prayer!

Psalm 4 was an evening prayer, and this one, Psalm 5 is referred to as a morning prayer. David compared the righteous with the wicked. The wicked, and those who were David’s enemies could not stand in God’s...

June 06, 2021
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On this Pentecost Sunday, 2021 brother Larry O’Mahoney shared a message entitled simply, “Repent!” This was the message in 2 Chron. 7:14, and the message of John the Baptist in Matt.3:2, followed by the Lord Jesus Christ...

May 23, 2021
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Psalm 3: Help Me O LORD!

It never ceases to amaze me how many Christians open their Bibles and grab a verse or a promise and start applying it to their lives, or in some cases, use it as sermon material....

May 16, 2021
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Psalm 1 – The Two Paths In Life!

Once we finished preaching and studying through the Book of Job, people were asking, “What is next after Job?” Well, naturally if they know their Bible they will know that The Psalms come after Job. It is not our intention...

May 02, 2021